Moving Day 7 Things to Keep in Mind!

Moving Day 7 Things to Keep in Mind!

After months of touring homes, playing phone tag with your mortgage lender and researching school districts, you’ve finally closed on a house. Congratulations!

Now the hard part begins.

Moving is always a pain in the neck (and back), but if you plan ahead and stay organized you can certainly reduce your stress level. Here are some tips and reminders:

  1. Book furniture donations weeks in advance…
    Although many donation companies will happily pick up furniture, many require you to schedule an appointment, and they can be backed up for weeks at a time.

      2.  As well as your friends. Your friends are there for you for the good times and moving day, but no one is                going  to cancel their plans last minute for the opportunity to haul furniture, even if you promise beer
          and pizza.

  1. Avoid mystery boxes.
    Label everything – and be specific! In the first few days of unpacking, you won’t want to sort through boxes of heirloom china when all you need is a spoon.
  2. Rethink categorization.
    Box things up according to what, not where, they are. For example, you’ll likely rearrange furniture before putting away any décor. Keep artwork together so you aren’t stumbling over a box of decorative vases while reassembling your bookcase.
  3. Have the essentials ready.
    Pack these basics together so you can be somewhat civilized while putting everything away at your new place: Trashcan, dishtowels, toilet paper, hand soap, shower curtain and bathroom rug.
  4. Be conscious about weight.




    Don’t pile everything into one box that will be impossible to lift. It’s much easier to make several trips with light boxes than to carry a bulkier item between two people.

  5. Yes, you need a dolly!
    If you have the option to rent a dolly, do it! It will make your life 100 percent easier.

Moving is difficult enough – finding your dream home shouldn’t be! Nick & Cindy Davis are ready to help:


Selling Your Home? 3 Ways to Help Kids Cope

Selling Your Home? 3 Ways to Help Kids Cope

Selling Your Home? 3 Ways to Help Kids Cope

When preparing children for a move, it’s important to find ways to get them excited about the new house, school and even city they’ll be in after a few months. But don’t overlook the more immediate changes to their lives that begin as soon as you put your home on the market.

Here is what they might be thinking as you begin the home-selling process, and strategies to alleviate your child’s concerns.

  1. “Who is this stranger invading our lives?”
    Your listing agent will become a frequent presence in your home, and your child may see him or her as the catalyst of all the changes to come. Help form a positive relationship between your kids and your agent by getting everyone together over coffee (hot chocolate for the little ones) or dinner.
  2. “Where did my stuff go?”
    Staging a home often means prepacking some of a child’s favorite things. Involve kids in packing as much as possible. This gives them an idea of where their toys and clothes have gone rather than fearing they’ve disappeared forever. The personal favorites – a blanket, stuffed animal or even family photos – should be the last to go. It’s easy to store them under the bed during a showing. You can even have your child put them away so he or she will know exactly where they will be when you return from an outing.
  3. “Why can’t we go home?”
    Vacating a house for a showing can be disruptive to kids’ schedules. Take them somewhere special so they see it as a treat. A movie, the local bookstore or a special restaurant are all good options.

If possible, it may be a good idea to let your child accompany you on a showing so they understand what visitors are doing when you have to leave your house for a couple of hours. You can also ask your agent to set up a “mock” showing of your current home for your children.

Nick and Cindy Davis are well known for their years of experience. They will have even more ideas on how to make the process of selling your home a positive experience for your child. To contact Nick and Cindy Davis click here. or you can visit to find out more about Nick and Cindy Davis.


7 ways a buyer’s agent makes life easier!

7 ways a buyer’s agent makes life easier!

As a potential home-buyer, it’s important that you understand the two different types of real estate agents. A seller’s agent looks out for the interests of the person selling the property while a buyer’s agent can serve as your advocate during your home search. Here are just a few reasons to enlist a buyer’s agent’s help.

1. They save time
These days, you can glean tons of information (not all of it accurate) on your own from the Internet. An agent can use their experience and expertise to streamline your search, guiding you to the properties that are truly appropriate and eliminating legwork on your end.

2. They have the inside scoop
Thanks to their professional network, agents often know of properties before they hit online listing sites.

3. They keep you in check
Shopping for your next home can be an emotionally charged, overwhelming experience. A buyer’s agent can help you keep your main objectives – and financial limitations – in mind as you sift through properties with alluring features.

4. They a have team of experts on speed dial
An agent can save you time, heartache and dollars by connecting you with trusted service providers such as painters, inspectors and insurance brokers.

5. They play hardball
Buyer’s agents are professional negotiators, with the skills and experience needed to get a fair price for you.

6. They don’t get paper cuts
They’ll help you complete all the time-consuming paperwork accurately and on time.

7. They’ll be the first to congratulate you when you close
A buyer’s agent will be your advocate at closing, making sure all your interests are protected as you sign that pile of forms at the settlement table.

Interested to learn more about how we can assist with your unique buying needs? Get in touch with us: Nick & Cindy Davis

6 Questions to Ask a Potential Listing Agent

Selling your home is one of the biggest financial decisions you’ll ever make. It’s important to have a qualified professional by your side to help you navigate the twists and turns. Here are some questions to help determine which listing agent is right for you.

  1. “Where’s the best coffee around here?”
    Although a perfect caramel macchiato isn’t critical to the sales process (though it certainly can’t hurt), your listing agent should have experience in your neighborhood. He or she should have bought and sold enough homes to know the area’s history, pros, cons and quirks, not to mention where the locals head for a good cup of joe.
  2. “How will you market my property?”
    Two balloons on a yard sign no longer cut it. Find out exactly how each prospective listing agent plans to reach buyers. A strategy should go beyond holding an open house. If an agent looks baffled when you mention “virtual tour,” it may be time to find someone more experienced in digital outreach.
  3. “How many clients do you have right now?”
    Go for the Goldilocks agent, the one with the slate of clients that’s “just right” and can give you the attention and energy you deserve. Even with an assistant, an agent with double-digit clients may not be able to provide the personal focus you require. On the other hand, if you’re an agent’s only client, there’s probably a reason why.
  4. “Can I talk to a previous client – or three?”
    Ask for references from clients an agent has worked with in the past six months. Some things to ask: How responsive was the agent during the process? Did the client get their asking price? What could the agent have done better?
  5. “How much would you list my property for?”
    Make sure prospective agents can explain their pricing rationale, including showing you comparable sales listings in the area.
  6. “What’s your sign?”
    No, not their horoscope. Ask about professional affiliations. When agents are part of the RE/MAX network, they bring with them the power of the company whose agents sell more real estate than any other.

When you’re ready to find an agent, start your search


5 Reasons Homes Don’t Sell (and How to Address Them)

5 Reasons Homes Don’t Sell (and How to Address Them)

It can be stressful to see your home languish on the market while others in your neighborhood are moving quickly. A home that isn’t selling can cost you time and money, not to mention your sanity.

Here are 5 reasons your home may not be selling, and advice for addressing them.

  1. Pricing
    Of course you want to sell your home for as much as possible. But an overpriced home can turn away even the most eager buyers. On the flipside, if you repeatedly reduce the price, buyers can see it as a sign of your desperation to sell – prompting them to submit even lower offers. Your listing agent can help you come up with a price comparable with other properties in your neighborhood. A professional home appraiser may also be able to help.
  2. Timing
    If possible, hold off on selling until the main buying seasons in the spring and summer. If you must sell during an off-peak time, you can still attract serious buyers – but you'll need patience and ways to sweeten the deal.

To offset bad timing, you might offer incentives such as paying some or all of the buyer's closing costs. To pique interest among real estate agents and brokers, consider offering a selling bonus above the standard commission. Just make sure you stipulate it’s available only if the agent brings a full-price offer to the table or closes the sale on your preferred date.

  1. Location
    If a poor or unsafe location is preventing your home from selling, you may have better luck generating interest among buyers by adding new security measures. Consider installing an alarm system, outdoor lighting and gates or fences.

Additionally, promote any practical and safe features of the location such as the proximity of public services (fire and police stations). Also offer to introduce prospective buyers to neighbors you know. This can provide a sense of community and make them feel welcome.

  1. Condition
    Investors and buyers with home improvement skills look for bargains, so they will typically offer less for a home that needs a new roof, has faulty plumbing or electrical systems, structural problems or that needs a lot of cosmetic work. The more repairs you make before buyers view the home, the more likely you are to receive competitive offers. It’s usually cheaper to do the repairs yourself than to offer allowances in the closing contract.

Another idea is to purchase a home warranty that covers items that break down after the sale. This gesture gives prospective buyers additional peace of mind about the home's condition.

  1. Marketing
    If everything else is lined up and your home still isn’t selling, it could be due to your marketing. Particularly in a crowded market, its import to make an extra effort to get your home noticed.

Buyers usually go online first to search for homes, so make sure your photos represent your house in all its glory. It’s often a good idea to hire a professional photographer. Also be sure the home description doesn’t skimp on listing all the features, amenities and upgrades. This is where a listing agent can come in handy. They’ll be able to use their professional experience to create a marketing plan that makes your home standout.

Remember, when you're ready to start the process of selling your home, help is just a phone call or email away. Nick & Cindy Davis are standing by. To find out more about us please visit

Who Knew? 10 Great Things About Moving

Who Knew? 10 Great Things About Moving

Who Knew? 10 Great Things About Moving


Is all the lifting, hauling and packing of your move squashing the thrill of a fresh start? Totally understandable. But there’s a silver lining to every cardboard box. Here are 10 reasons to look forward to moving day.

  1. You can lose the junk mail. When you fill out your USPS® change-of-address form, it’s easy to check the “do not forward catalogs, etc.” box.
  2. You might find that lost earring, shoe, cellphone, etc. Though the cellphone may be too old for today’s tech, the satisfaction of finally discovering what happened to a lost item as you’re packing things up is priceless.
  3. You’ll find out who your true friends are. The ones that show up to help you pack and move are keepers.
  4. You can pay people to do just about every aspect of moving for you. There are professional services or people on Craigslist looking for odd jobs who will do it all, from cleaning the fridge to boxing your underwear.
  5. As you pack, you’ll probably come across things that spark vivid memories. It’s a great time to smile, remember and be grateful.
  6. The promise of having one more box you don’t have to unpack later is a powerful motivator for de-cluttering. And, if you can’t let things go, you’ll at least have a better idea of how serious your hoarding issue is.
  7. Your new neighbors will have no idea you accidentally backed over your old neighbors’ mailbox.
  8. The quiver of excitement and satisfaction that comes with taping shut the very last moving box.
  9. Moving is a very good excuse for a cocktail party to empty all your remaining bottles and finish off those condiments in the fridge. Why risk transporting that bottle of fine bourbon?
  10. The housewarming party!

The best thing about moving, of course, is your new home. Contact a Nick & Cindy Davis to help you find it:

6 Questions to Ask on a Home Tour

6 Questions to Ask on a Home Tour

Thanks to the Internet and our digital tools, you can learn a lot about a home before visiting, such as when the house was built and the HOA or tax costs. Some things, however, are best to ask us in person when you’re touring a property.

1. Why are the owners selling?
The agent isn’t obligated to tell you, but he or she might. The answer could reveal issues not included in the listing description. Is there a new highway planned nearby? Are the HOA restrictions too much for the sellers to handle? If the agent does reveal, for instance, that the owner is desperate to close quickly, you might be able to use that to your advantage when negotiating price.

2. What’s the sellers’ timeline?
Do the property owners need to relocate immediately for work? Or are they waiting for their children to finish the current school year? It’s important that your timeline for moving into the home and the owner’s timeline for moving out line up.

3. What, exactly, is for sale?
Find out precisely what’s included in the sales price. That nifty new fridge with the built-in smart screen you admire might be going with the sellers to their new home. Learn whether the appliances and fixtures, such as ceiling fans, are included in the sale price.

4. Are there any issues with the property?
Yes, the sellers are required to reveal most problems, but a chatty sales agent might reveal more than is included in the disclosure document. It certainly can’t hurt to ask.

5. How are the neighbors?
Ask about the types of people that live nearby. Retirees? Young families with kids? College students? The primary population will influence the overall culture of the neighborhood and can help you determine if this is the home for you.

6. Have the owners completed any major home projects?
Lots of recent home improvements could mean the property is in better shape than ever, ready for you to enjoy. It could also indicate more work will need to be done in the future. Be sure to get the full story about any recent property updates.

You’ll have tons of questions as you search for your next home. Nick & Cindy Davis can help you find the answers. To get started on your New Home Search, start here:

6 Considerations Before Turning Your Home into a Rental

6 Considerations Before Turning Your Home into a Rental

6 Considerations Before Turning Your Home into a Rental

Sometimes moving out doesn’t necessarily mean moving on. If you need to relocate but aren’t ready to sell your home, you may be thinking about renting out your home.

Beyond considering how much equity you have in your home, the market forecast for real estate in your neighborhood, your savings and other financial factors. Here are some things to ponder if you’re thinking about becoming a landlord.

Make sure you can legally rent your home

Check into the local rental market

Talk to your tax accountant

Look into the law

Consider a property management company

Your new housing needs

Not sure if renting or selling is best for you? Nick & Cindy Davis can help you weigh your options. to see complete article please visit 

5 Resources When You’re in Between Homes

5 Resources When You’re in Between Homes

5 Resources When You’re in Between Homes

Sold your home but haven’t found your next place yet? Don’t panic. These digital days, it’s easier than ever to locate temporary living arrangements. Some suggestions on where to turn:

Your buyers
Airbnb & VRBO or Social media
University housing
Long-term suites & corporate housing

We will go more in depth into each area. To see the complete article please visit


5 Tips to Pinpoint Your Right Home Online

5 Tips to Pinpoint Your Right Home Online

5 Tips to Pinpoint Your Right Home Online

5 Tips to Pinpoint Your Right Home Online when you're ready to start your home search online, don't let the sheer volume of listings overwhelm you. Below are some tips to help you narrow down your search results on and make it much easier to streamline the list of homes you want to visit.


Be smart about pricing.
Consult the map.
Remember, photos and videos are only 2D.
Search your top neighborhood choices.
Balance character with upkeep.


We will go more in depth into each of these areas. To get started please visit


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