Renting to Buying a home 5 Things to Know

Renting to buying a home – 5 things you need to know

Renting vs Buying a Home
Renting vs Buying a Home


Renting right now? And you’ve decided it’s time to purchase your own home and leave the world of renting behind. If you’ve always rented or it has been quite some time since you have owned a home. There a quite a few changes as you become a homeowner.

Here are five things to look out for as you start the process of buying a home.

1.      Get Your Credit in Check

2.    Budget, Then Shop

3.    Take the Inspection Seriously

4.    Factor in the Extra Costs

5.     Repairs are Your Responsibility


We will go more into depth in each area. To see complete article 5 things you need to know when coming from Renting to buying a home. Please visit our website at

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